To evaluate the risk of disease development, such as cancers and lifestyle-related diseases, individual differences of a single nucleotide in genes (single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP) are generally analyzed. However, sensors based on conventional systems may misrecognize genes other than the disease-related genes depending on the target sequences used. We are developing new DNA sensors based on the interaction between solution and DNAs to increase the recognition ability of a target gene by reduction of such misrecognition.
H. Tateishi-Karimata, S. Pramanik, and N. Sugimoto
DNA sensor’s selectivity enhancement and protection from contaminating nuclease due to hydrated ionic liquid
Analyst, 140, 4393-4398 (2015) [Selected as a Front Cover] -
T. Endoh and N. Sugimoto
Rational design and tuning of functional RNA switch to control an allosteric intermolecular interaction
Anal. Chem., 87, 7628-7635 (2015) -
T. Endoh and N. Sugimoto
Aptamer-based universal fluorometric sensors based on allosteric modulation of RNA–peptide Interactions
ChemMedChem, 9, 2045-2048 (2014) -
T. Endoh and N. Sugimoto
Selection of RNAs for constructing “Lighting-UP” biomolecular switches in response to specific small molecules
PLoS ONE, 8, e60222 (2013)
Reviews and books
遠藤玉樹, 杉本直己
ここまで進んだバイオセンシング・イメージング 1分子から細胞,脳まで
CSJカレントレビュー(化学同人), 86-91 (2012)
杉本直己, 遠藤玉樹
工業材料(日刊工業出版プロダクション)61(12), 22-25 (2014)