The main sessions will be held at Frontier Institute for Biomolecular Engineering Research (FIBER) at KonanUniversity (http://fiber.konan-u.ac.jp/english/index.shtml) located in the eastern part of Kobe, Japan. From the campus, one can enjoy a panoramic view of the city of Kobe. To the north is Mt.Rokko, and beyond the city the sea is visible. The location of KonanUniversity provides immediate access to the delights of Kobe, a city internationally renowned as a sightseeing destination. The stations nearest the campus are Okamoto Station (Hankyu Kobe line) and Settsumotoyama Station (JR Kobe line). You can access to FIBER in approximately 25 min from Sannomiya Station or 40 min from Shinkansen (bullet train) Shin-Kobe Station in the heart of Kobe. All participants are supposed to stay at a large luxury hotel of the Kobe Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers. We will provide about 20-minute shuttle bus service connecting the hotel and FIBER.
