


No. Author Title Journal
389 W. Sugimoto, N. Kinoshita, M. Nakata, T. Ohyama, H. Tateishi-Karimata, T. Nishikata, N. Sugimoto, D. Miyoshi, K. Kawauchi Intramolecular G-quadruplex-hairpin loop structure competition of a GC-rich exon region in the TMPRSS2 gen Chem. Commun., 58, 48-51 (2021)
388 S. Matsumoto, H. Tateishi-Karimata, T. Ohyama, and N. Sugimoto Effect of DNA modifications on the transition bet and non-canoncial DNA stransures in CpG islands during senescence RSC Adv., 11, 37205-37217 (2021)
387 S. Ghosh Prediction pramaters for DNA duplex stability under crowding conditions -DNA stability prediction- 日本核酸化学会誌, 5,8-13 (2021)
386 S. Takahashi, A. Kotar, H. Tateishi-Karimata, S. Bhowmik, Z. wang, T. Chang, S, Sato, S. Takenaka, J. Plavec, and N. Sugimoto Chemical Modulation of DNA Replication along G-Quadruplex Based on Topology-Dependant Ligand
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 143, 16458-16469 (2021)
385 T. Endoh, N. Brodyagin, D. Hnedzko, N. Sugimoto, E. Rozners, Triple-Helical Binding of Peptide Nucleic Acid Inhibits Maturation of Endogenous MicroRNA-197 ACS Chem. Biol., 16, 1147-1151 [Selected as a Supplementary Cover] (2021)
384 S. Nakano, H. Yamashita, N . Sugimoto Enhancement of the Catalytic Activity of Hammerhead Ribozymes by Organic Cations ChemBioChem., 22, 2721-2728 (2021)
383 S. Satpathi, T. Endoh, P. Podbevšek, J. Plavec, and N. Sugimoto, Transcriptome screening followed by integrated physicochemical and structural analyses for investigating RNA-mediated berberine activity Nucleic Acids Res., 49,8449‐8461(2021)
382 T. Yamauchi, T. Kubodera, D. Miyoshi, N. Sugimoto, and S. Hirohata, Artificial turn-on riboswitch to control target gene expression using a wild-type riboswitch splicing mechanism J. Biosci. Bioeng, 131, 115-123 (2021)
381 S. Lathwal, S. S. Yerneni, S. Boye, U. L. Muza, S. Takahashi, N. Sugimoto, A. Lederer, S. R. Das, P. G. Campbell, and K. Matyjaszewski, Engineering exosome polymer hybrids by atom transfer radical polymerization Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 118, e2020241118 (2021)
380 M. Tsuruta, Y. Sugitani, N. Sugimoto, and D. Miyoshi, Combined Effects of Methylated Cytosine and Molecular Crowding on the Thermodynamic Stability of DNA Duplexes Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22, 947 (2021)