


No. Author Title Journal
406 Dipanwita Banerjee, Hisae Tateishi-Karimata, Maria Toplishek, Tatsuya Ohyama, Saptarshi Ghosh, Shuntaro Takahashi, Marko Trajkovski, Janez Plavec, Naoki Sugimoto In-Cell Stability Prediction of RNA/DNA Hybrid Duplexes for Designing Oligonucleotides Aimed at Therapeutics Journal of the American Chemical Society volume 145(43), 23503-23518, (2023)
405 Kohei Yokosawa, Mitsuki Tsuruta, Shinji Kajimoto, Naoki Sugimoto, Daisuke Miyoshi, Takakazu Nakabayashi Quantification of the concentration in a droplet formed by liquid–liquid phase separation of G-quadruplex-forming RNA Chemical Physics Letters volume 826, 140634, (2023)
404 Sinjan Das, Shuntaro Takahashi, Tatsuya Ohyama, Sudipta Bhowmik, Naoki Sugimoto Theranostic approach to specifically targeting the interloop region of BCL2 i-motif DNA by crystal violet Scientific Reports volume 13, 14338, (2023)
403 Y. Hashimoto, Y. Imagawa, K. Nagano, R. Maeda, N. N.agahama, T. Torii, N. Kinoshita, N. Takamiya, K. Kawauchi, H. Tateishi-Karimata, N. Sugimoto and D. Miyoshi Simple and fast screening for structure-selective G-quadruplex ligands Chem. Commun., 59, 4891-4894 (2023)
402 Ghosh, S. Takahashi, D. Banerjee, T. Ohyama, T. Endoh, H. Tateishi-Karimata, and N. Sugimoto Nearest-neighbor parameters for the prediction of RNA duplex stability in diverse in vitro and cellular-like crowding conditions Nucleic Acids Res. 51, 4101-4111 (2023) [Selected as a Cover]
401 T. Endoh, S. Takahashi, and N. Sugimoto Endogenous G-quadruplex-forming RNAs inhibit the activity of SARS-CoV-2 RNA polymerase Chem. Commun., 59, 872-875 (2023) [Selected as an Inside Front Cover]
400 T. Endoh, J. H. Tan, S. B. Chen, and N. Sugimoto Cladogenetic Orthogonal Light-Up Aptamers for Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Small Molecules in Cells Anal. Chem., 95, 976-985 (2023) [Selected as a Supplemental Cover]
399 Takahashi and N. Sugimoto Pressure-temperature control of activity of RNA polymerase ribozyme Biophys. Chem., 292, 106914 (2023)